annette's heel spurs and plantar fasciitis threads

Home The Book Articles Products Message Boards Journal Articles Search Our Surveys Surgery Find Good Drs video Too much stretching?
when should I ice or heat my foot
I don't get it
exactly how does this Pilates machine work
Re: what massage did you learn?
Re: what massage did you learn?
What a fool I am!
Thanks Nancy
I'd like to learn how to tape
ok...I've got the duct tape
I've learned my lesson
how much time have you taken off?
son with plantar faciitis
swimming site
heel hugger
here's a new one for me
another insurance question again! HMO Blue?
ESWT in the States or Canada
Severe heel pain
To Dr. Z......When should I come back
Duct tape
after the 12 week period
ESWT a third time?
eswt third time around
Plantar fasciitis
sore feet
cuboid joint fusion
bad arch pain
tibial tendionitis
neuroma and cryosurgery