juleen's heel spurs and plantar fasciitis threads
Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis
PTTD / Accessory Navicular
Post Op / Modified Kidner
Post op Pain
Post Op Spasms continue
? for Jeremy
spasms, pressure sore, pain...
tingling on bottom of foot post-op
Tendon Graft Healing
? for Jereme
Minimizing Scars
Thanks Jereme
Dr. Z
? Dr. Z
TTS testing
Spasming Toes
Orthotic in Air Cast
Neurology Consult for Foot
? for Dr. Wander or Dr. Z
Ruling out TTS
? Dr. G.
interim question
time frame to repair nerve?
Dr. Wedemeyer
Al Queda in Iraq
Dx'ing TTS
Metal Stake thru shoe
How to decrease TTS pain
Plantar Nerve Testing
TTS Surgery
? for Dr. G or other physicians...
Failed Allograft on PTT
? - Dr Ed & Dr. DSW
?'s from Post Op Visit
Foot Wear following TTR
Post Op Infection
Allergic Reaction?
Lt foot saga update
infection is back
Progress with Decompression
Counter Ad to Moveon.Org
Ruptured PTT
? for Dr. DSW, Dr. Ed &/or Dr. G:
Good things for domestic fuel production...
Tendon Transfer
CA Fires
Preventing Post Op Complications
Surgery on Monday
Surgeon expecting 90-95% success... : )
Dr. Ed.
Any input? Please...
Dr. G
? on possible RSD
Cathy A - RSD
Rec'd Dx
Calf Pain
? on lead physician
Susie D - re: RSD
Regional Ankle / Foot Block
Option(s) for sleeping
Question about Surgery Center/OR Nurse
Alternative Tx for CRPS/RSD
extreme swellling
Spasms / Cramping in 3 middle toes
Dislodged Anchor
Severe Pain on bottom of foot...
Foot Surgery Mon., Dec. 29th
Surgical Outcome
Still dealing w/ pain from RSD & PTT
Arizona Brace & RSD